segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2008

Corrupção Desportiva

A corrupção no desporto não é nada mas mesmo nada recente. O primeiro caso documentado de corrupção desportiva remonta aos jogos pan-helénicos da antiga Grécia, quando o lutador Eupolos subornou 3 dos seus adversários.

Muitos têm sido os casos de corrupção que tem surgido ao longo dos tempos…neste post vamos apresentar algumas das modalidades, eventos e organizações desportivas onde a corrupção se tem manifestado com alguma frequência.

Existem diversas formas de corrupção desportiva, mas principalmente esta divide-se em duas grandes áreas:

• Corrupção ao nível dos resultados desportivos, manifestando-se esta sob a forma de suborno dos intervenientes directos, por exemplo: árbitros, atletas, treinadores etc…
• Corrupção extra-competições, manifestando-se esta sob a forma de subornos aos intervenientes indirectos do fenómeno desportivo, normalmente estes desempenham cargos directivos, são agentes de jogadores, desempenham cargos em comissões que avaliam desempenhos, julgam disciplinarmente os atletas ou tem poder de voto em determinadas organizações etc….

Entre os desportos e organizações onde os casos de corrupção se têm manifestado com maior frequência destacam-se claramente as modalidades como o futebol, o boxe, as corridas de cavalos, o basebol e o ciclismo.
Nas organizações desportivas destacam-se principalmente a entidade que tutela os JO, diversas ligas e clubes de futebol…e diversas ligas que organizam competições de boxe…

Penso que o problema da corrupção nunca irá terminar, pois o desporto envolve muito dinheiro e poder, mas poderá ser minimizado caso exista uma “regulamentação forte” e uma formação ética dos agentes que directa ou indirectamente vivem do desporto.
É importante perceber por parte de todos os intervenientes no fenómeno desportivo que a corrupção só leva há perda de credibilidade do próprio desporto…assim sendo “passará a estar em jogo” o futuro e sobrevivência do mesmo.

sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2008

Scientific study concludes that cheetah prosthetics offer clear mechanical advantages

The IAAF has received the results of an independent scientific study carried out by Professor Peter Brüggemann at the German Sport University in Cologne. This study made a biomechanical and physiological analysis of long sprint running by a double transtibial amputee athlete Oscar Pistorius (RSA) using “cheetah” prosthetics, and also compared this athlete with five able-bodied athletes who are capable of similar levels of performance at 400m.

The tests, which took place on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 November in the Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, were initiated by the IAAF with the approval and participation of Oscar in order to see whether the prosthetics used by him should be considered as technical aids which give him an advantage over other athletes not using them, in contravention of IAAF competition rule 144.2.*

The objective results of this study are that:

- Pistorius was able to run with his prosthetic blades at the same speed as the able-bodied sprinters with about 25% less energy expenditure. As soon as a given speed is reached, running with the prosthetics needs less additional energy than running with natural limbs.

- Once the physiological potential of Oscar Pistorius and the able-bodied control athletes had been estimated, using three different methods, it is clear that Pistorius’ potential was not higher than that of the controls, even though their performance results were similar.

- The biomechanical analysis demonstrated major differences in the sprint mechanics used by a below-knee amputee using prosthetics when compared to athletes with natural legs. The maximum vertical ground reaction forces and the vertical impulses are different in a highly significant way and the amount of energy return of the prosthetic blade have never been reported for a human muscle driven ankle joint in sprint running.

- The positive work, or returned energy, from the prosthetic blade is close to three times higher than with the human ankle joint in maximum sprinting.

- The energy loss in the prosthetic blade was measured at 9.3% during the stance phase while the average energy loss in the ankle joint of the able bodied control athletes was measured at 41.4%. This means that the mechanical advantage of the blade in relation to the healthy ankle joint of an able bodied athlete is higher than 30%.

It is evident that an athlete using the Cheetah prosthetic is able to run at the same speed as able bodied athletes with lower energy consumption. Running with prosthetic blades leads to less vertical motion combined with less mechanical work for lifting the body. As well as this, the energy loss in the blade is significantly lower than in the human ankle joints in sprinting at maximum speed. An athlete using this prosthetic blade has a demonstrable mechanical advantage (more than 30%) when compared to someone not using the blade.

IAAF Council has been able to review the full report and has decided that the prosthetic blades known as “cheetahs” should be considered as technical aids in clear contravention of IAAF Rule 144.2. As a result, Oscar Pistorius is not eligible to compete in competitions organised under IAAF Rules.

Note for editors concerning test procedures and parameters:

- Analysis was carried out by a team of more than 10 scientists, including staff from the physiology laboratory of Professor J. Mester (Institute of Training Science and Sport Informatics).

- 12 high speed cameras (250 frames per second) were used to record 3D kinematics, with another 4 highspeed cameras to observe sagittal plane motion

- Force platforms were used to record ground reaction forces and point of force application

- Athletes ran the 400m test with a K4 mask to record max VO2. VO2 testing was also carried out in the laboratory (Wingate and Ramp Test) on static bicycles. Blood lactate records were taken regularly

- A 3D scanner was used to record body mass and anthropometric measures of all the control athletes

- The prosthetics were also subjected to material testing

* IAAF Rule 144.2 extract

Relates to the use of" technical aids" during competition

This rule prohibits:

(e) Use of any technical device that incorporates springs, wheels or any other element that provides the user with an advantage over another athlete not using such a device.


segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008

MY ALL STARS....for NBA All-Star 2008

Here are my starter selections for NBA All-Star 2008:

Western Forwards:
Carmelo Anthony, Denver
Tim Duncan, San Antonio

Western Guards:
Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers
Allen Iverson, Denver

Western Center:
Pau Gasol, Memphis

Eastern Forwards:
Kevin Garnett, Boston
Paul Pierce, Boston

Eastern Guards:
Jason Kidd, New Jersey
Dwyane Wade, Miami

Eastern Center:
Dwight Howard, Orlando

Best Portuguese Schools & Graduations in Sport (by the European Higher Education in Sport Science)

Sport Sciences Course
Area(s): CO, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa- Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Programme title: Sport Sciences - Coaching

Licenciatura em Desporto, Treino Desportivo
Area(s): CO / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
Programme title: Sports Coaching

Bachelor in Sport Science
Area(s): HF, LE, MA, PE, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Instituto Politenico Bragança
Programme title: Bachelor in Sport Science

Bachelor in Sports Coaching
Area(s): AP, CO / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University of Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Sports Coaching

Bachelor in Exercise Physiology
Area(s): EL, HF / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University of Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Exercise Physiology

Bachelor in Physical Education and Teaching
Area(s): PE / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University of Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Physical Education and Teaching

Bachelor in Sport Management
Area(s): MA / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University of Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Sport Management

Licenciatura em Desporto, Gestão das Organizações Desportiva
Area(s): MA / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
Programme title: Sport Management

Master in Physical education and Sport Science
Area(s): AP, CO, EL, HF, LE, MA, PE, SS / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: University of Porto
Programme title: Master in Physical education and Sport Science

Sport management course
Area(s): MA / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa- Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Programme title: Sport management

PhD in Physical Education and Sport Science
Area(s): AP, CO, EL, HF, LE, MA, PE, SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: University of Porto
Programme title: PhD in Physical Education and Sport Science

Sport Sciences - Exercise and Health
Area(s): HF, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa- Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Programme title: Sport Sciences - Exercise and Health

Sport Sciences - Physical Education and School Sport
Area(s): HF, PE, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa- Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Programme title: Sport Sciences - Physical Education and School Sport

Doctor in Sport Science
Area(s): SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
Programme title: Sport Science

Mestrado em Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício
Area(s): SS / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro and Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior

Licenciatura em Desporto, Psicologia do Desporto e Exercício
Area(s): SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
Programme title: Sport and Exercise Psychology

Licenciatura em Desporto, Desporto de Natureza e Turismo Act
Area(s): LE / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
Programme title: Outdoor Sports and Activ Tourism

Licenciatura em Desporto, Condição Física
Area(s): HF / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior
Programme title: Fitness and Health

Physical Education
Area(s): SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Programme title: physical education

Master in Ergonomics
Area(s): AP, HF, LE, SS / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Master in Ergonomics

PhD in Sport Science
Area(s): CO, PE, SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: University of Porto
Programme title: PhD in Sport Science

Master of Sport Sciences
Area(s): CO, PE, SS / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: University of Porto
Programme title: Master of Sport Sciences

PhD in Sport Management
Area(s): MA / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: PhD in Sport Management

PhD in Rehabilitation and Psychomotricitié
Area(s): AP, EL, HF, PE, SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: PhD in Rehabilitation and Psychomotricitié

PhD in Ergonomics
Area(s): EL, HF, LE, SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: PhD in Ergonomics

PhD in Dance
Area(s): CO, HF, LE, SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: PhD in Dance

PhD in Sport Sciences
Area(s): CO, HF, SS / Level V+
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: PhD in Sport Sciences

Bachelor in Sport Sciences and Physical Education
Area(s): AP, CO, EL, HF, LE, MA, PE, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: University of Porto
Programme title: Bachelor in Sport Sciences and Physical Education

Master in Rehabilitation and Psychomotricitié
Area(s): CO, EL, HF, PE, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Master in Rehabilitation and Psychomotricitié

Master in Dance
Area(s): CO, HF, SS / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Master in Dance

Master in Sport Sciences
Area(s): CO, HF, SS / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Master in Sport Sciences

Bachelor in Sport Management
Area(s): MA / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Sport Management

Reabilitação Psicomotora
Area(s): CO, HF, PE, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Rehabilitation and Psychomotricité

Bachelor in Ergonomics
Area(s): AP, HF, LE, OT, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Ergonomics

Bachelor in Dance
Area(s): CO, HF, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Dance

Bachelor in Sport Sciences
Area(s): HF, SS / Level IV
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Bachelor in Sport Sciences

Master in Sport Management
Area(s): MA / Level V
Country: Portugal
Organisation: Technical University Lisbon
Programme title: Master in Sport Management

sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2008

O Treinador de Crianças & Jovens

Ser treinador de crianças e jovens é desempenhar um cargo de enorme responsabilidade, não só porque socialmente é um cargo de grande impacte, mas também porque o desempenho desta função contribui positiva ou negativamente para que exista por parte das crianças e jovens que treinamos um desenvolvimento educativo, formativo e desportivo.

A atitude do treinador é um dos factores que contribui para o sucesso da actuação do mesmo junto de todas as crianças e jovens que treina.
Uma correcta atitude por parte do treinador, irá contribuir de forma efectiva para o sucesso da juventude que lhe é confiada, quer na vida quer no desporto.
Uma atitude incorrecta só irá fazer com que as crianças e jovens criem aversão á prática desportiva, abandonem o desporto e que não desenvolvam convenientemente as suas capacidades físicas, motoras, sociais e emocionais.

A atitude correcta do treinador pressupõe que este veja o desporto e o desempenho da função que lhe está atribuída dentro do mesmo, como um contributo para o processo formativo dos indivíduos que participam nas actividades por si orientadas.

quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2008

Eles voltaram....Finalmente voltaram....

Depois de se ter dito quase há duas décadas atrás : “the Celtics are death...they finaly are death”...

Eles renasceram para fazer “tremer o mundo”...os Boston Celtics a organização com mais títulos da NBA, parece ter renascido das cinzas e ter voltado aos velhos tempos de glória.

A aquisição da “mega-estrela” Kevin Garnett, parece ter sido o momento-chave para que os Boston Celtics voltem a fazer do “novo” Boston Garden o local mais temido do universo do basquetebol....os Fantasmas de habitavam o velhinho Boston Garden...desapareceram com a demolição do mítico pavilhão.

A construção de um novo pavilhão parece ter feito desaparecer o “misticismo” que os “verdes de Boston” tinham....a arena onde os Celtics passaram a jogar depois da demolição do “velhinho Garden” chamou-se entretanto “FleetCenter” e também “Shawmut Center”...depois da aquisição do Mega-Astro KG e Ray Allen...além de passarem a ter uma equipa em termos desportivos temível...passaram a ter a vantagem de contarem novamente com o nome “BOSTON GARDEN”....e claro está, os fantasmas voltaram a ter um tecto e a assustar todos os que por lá passam.

Neste momento os Celtics lideram a NBA ...30 jogos...27 vitórias...3 derrotas....

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2008

Phil O'Donnell o símbolo do Motherwell

A morte, algo que todos independentemente da cultura, classe social, formação, sexo, raça ou credo não podem evitar. Podem adiar, podem fugir…mas já mais vão remediar.

Algo que é comum a qualquer organismo vivo, algo que invencível…mesmo para aqueles a quem os “comuns dos mortais” atribuem o estatuto de “semi-deuses”.

Isto de morrer a competir não começou agora, já na Grécia antiga…muitos foram os que morreram a competir…esses sim, alcançaram automaticamente o estatuto de “semi-deuses”…e tiveram o privilégio de “serem levados até o topo do Monte Olimpo" para se juntarem a Zeus para a eternidade.

Desta vez foi o capitão da equipa escocesa do Motherwell FC, Phil O'Donnell, que morreu após ter desfalecido durante o encontro com o Dundee United FC.

O médio de 35 anos, que foi internacional pela Escócia, desmaiou no encontro de Fir Park e recebeu assistência, no relvado, durante cinco minutos.
O'Donnell foi depois levado numa ambulância para o hospital, mas o presidente do Motherwell, Bill Dickie, anunciou, pouco depois, a sua morte.

O'Donnell realizou mais de 200 jogos nos dois períodos que passou no clube, tendo também alinhado pelo Celtic FC e pelos ingleses do Sheffield Wednesday FC.

Robert Liddle, médico do clube, disse nesta terça-feira que "a autopsia revelou que Phil tinha sofrido um problema no ventrículo esquerdo".